This past weekend, my husband and I attended a lovely engagement party for some friends of ours. I love, love. I love watching people who are in love (creepy?). I love taking BuzzFeed quizzes to determine which celebrity is in love with me (Chris Pratt...obviously). And most of all I love celebrating love.
Celebrating means different things to different people. If you're 8, you celebrate things with cupcakes. If you're 28 you celebrate things with shots a glass of wine. You know what isn't fun to celebrate with?
Sure, dieting is all fun and games from the comfort of your own home. But once you step into the real world, it's like you're a newborn foal trying to walk on wobbly legs for the first time.
Sure, dieting is all fun and games from the comfort of your own home. But once you step into the real world, it's like you're a newborn foal trying to walk on wobbly legs for the first time.
Well, I took my wobbly legs for walking last Saturday at this engagement party. As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by the lovely hosts and offered beer, wine, and lots of treats that my heart desperately wanted, but my new lease on life brain stubbornly declined. So reluctantly (while a part of my fun side died) I asked for a water instead. I'm not sure if it's because I'm 28 and married or because no one has ever seen me not drink on a Saturday night, but the sight of a water bottle in my hand immediately triggered the "Sarah, are you pregnant?" questions from our friends. And while I tried my best to scream hell no how dare you politely say "no", I couldn't help but see the confusion on everyone's face and offer them up some sort of explanation of why in the world I would choose to not 'celebrate' at this party!
So each conversation went a little like this:
Friend: Why aren't you and John drinking?
Me: Oh well, we're doing the Whole30 diet so we can't.
Friend: **Blank stares**
Me (socially awkward about any lags in conversations): Yeah Whole30 is this diet where..... **30 minutes later**...... so that's why we're drinking water.
Friend: **desperately looking for a way out**
John: **long winded speech about how "Sarah's been cooking great things and it isn't so bad and I really want chocolate and basically I'm being tortured in my marriage, please save me."**
Me: We are so much fun!
Have you ever been in a conversation and literally watched the will to live drain out of the person standing in front of you? You can just feel that the other person is completely done with whatever you have to say. They start just smiling and nodding a lot and look like they're in a lot of pain.
There is nothing worse.
There is nothing worse.
So after several of these encounters, I had to hold a team meeting with my husband about how we were absolutely the worst people at this party and we needed to get it together or get out. After deciding we couldn't look at the delicious foods and drinks much longer, we decided to gracefully get out.... and fly like the wind to the nearest Whole Foods and buy everything in sight. There's only 2 more weekends we have to suffer through this, right?
Being this strict is hard. Seeing everyone else having fun while you "can't" is hard. Educating people about your current dietary habits in an unforeseen situation IS HARD.
But I guess it's true what they say, nothing worth having comes easy.
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